Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bobby - The Short Whiskers Cat

Bobby is quite a popular cat known among many. He was found as a small kitten in one of the industrial area around Tampines. He was by himself with no mummy or siblings. He was just 2 to 3 months old. The environment he is staying is extremely dangerous for him as there are lots of heavy vehicles and lorries. On top of that there were even some workers who dislike Bobby and tried to chase him away. Fortunately, he met a kind person working nearby, who actually cares for him and provided food to him everyday.

Unfortunately he met a cat abuser who cut off his whiskers one day. Cutting off the whiskers is indirectly harming the cat as it causes him to lose his sense of balance and direction. It can be dangerous for Bobby (read below to know why). It is considered as an animal abuse. If you encounter such a person do not hesitate to report to the police and call SPCA.

His caretaker was enraged and tried hard to find a proper home for Bobby. We took Bobby in and now he is settled down at our place.

look at his whiskers

when we first saw Bobby

finally at a safe place

He is quite a self-defensive kitten as he knows how to protect himself hence not getting bullied around by other cats which is a good thing... Today he is playing around and more active, making some friends with the smaller cats over here ^^ loves to play the tail of Lickitung. Quite a playful and clumsy kitten !!!

Will be uploading more photos of Bobby soon... stay tuned!

Why whiskers are important to cats
Cats use their whiskers for a wide variety of reasons. They provide some of the most important feedback for cats to gather data about their environment. They also use them to communicate their emotions. As an essential addition to their "navigational" equipment, it is crucial to never trim them or cut them off.
Without their whiskers cat become confused and often lost. Similar to radar, Cats use whiskers to "feel" their boundaries and to gauge distances to ascertain the size and shape of objects, and to discover if their bodies will fit into tight spaces. Whiskers help guide them in the dark to avoid running into objects.

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