Monday, February 21, 2011

Cat Dumped Into Bin

Dear Readers,

We have seen people stroking cat then feeding them and playing with them. But have you seen someone stroking cats then throw them into the bin? Take a look at this video of a cruel woman who did just that.

Hope justice is done!

A trip to the vet

Sky after the Vet Visit
This is Sky, our passenger for today. He got a scratch on his forehead that has worsened due to constant scratching. He is a very handsome boy. The owner told us he is very quiet and good boy at home. But once outside, he becomes very active! But of course still controllable. One thing about him is that he will turn wild in the car, barking and thrashing about. Not sure if he is over excited or afraid of car ride. We suspect that he is scared, though. So the car ride to the vet is very dramatic with the owner trying to calm him down.
The wound on his head is a slight infection and with the medication and e-collar to prevent scratching, he will recover in no time =).

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

GeGe for adoption


GeGe is a 4 months old kitten. He is very friendly with people. He loves to attach himself to people and be pet. Often he will come to you and rest on your lap. He is more of an active personality and likes to play. So if you are looking for a cat to play with and keep you company, GeGe will be the ideal cat for you. =)

Not sterilise yet but pending vaccination.

GeGe is also an emotional cat. He was found together with his younger brother, DiDi under an abused case. His brother passed away later suspected due to injuries and illness. GeGe knowing his brother passed away, he kept lying at the same spot where DiDi used to sleep and rest. We thought he was sick but after a few days, he is back to his normal self. What a sweet GeGe (older brother) he is!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year

GOP wish everyone a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! May all be bless with good health and fortune. May all the strays find a good home and sick animals recover soon!

It is the year of rabbit, sales for rabbit certainly increases and same goes to the rate of abandonment of rabbit. We urge all to think thrice before getting a pet as it is a life time commitment.

Other than that, enjoy your New Year celebration! Do remember to feed your pet before you go for house visiting and do not leave them alone for too long. They will miss you =)