Monday, January 3, 2011

Cat Rescued @ Katong

Was attending one of the viewings for the cats when we headed to a HDB block at Butterworth Lane. Before making a detour, chanced upon this Katong cat there.

She looks so, so poor thing she was just lying like that on the grass next to a small drain. Her fur condition is very bad, dirtied all over her body especially on her face. Drooling constantly, similar to Fighter's condition. Patches of wounds on the body, feet and chest area. In fact it looks like wounds resulted from cigarette burns. If you have seen anyone inflicting pain to this animal do report to us.

The residents there told us there used to be someone who fed her but after her illness began she no longer feeds this cat... Wonder why and hmmmm. The uncle told us, "Don't touch her, why you go and touch? It is sick" as in better not touch it because of the germs or virus. We know he was being concern about our well-being, just somehow feels that precisely the cat is sick so the more we should care for it and not avoid it like some kind of unwanted creature.

Initially she was quite afraid of us and moved a little away but it didn't take long to get closer to her. Thankfully she was trusting which for now, its a good thing otherwise it would be harder to rescue her!
She is actually very sweet... Doesn't scratch at all and was very still, without any struggle to get her.

Has been eating well and so right now, she is sleeping soundly under our care. Quite tired and has been resting most of the time after we brought her back. Would be giving her medicine and food on a daily basis, and observe her progress. Also intending to bathe and de-flea her.

Right now she is under seperation with other cats to better recuperate her health and also to prevent existing cats catching the fleas or an illness. This is out of no choice ); We do intend to bring her to the vet for a body checkup and blood test, once she is healthy she can be freed to roam about the house freely and play with other cats! Looking forward to that (=

Hence we are looking for sponsors to provide to her long-term, which can also help subsidise for her medical checkup. It helps us greatly as providing to so many cats everyday is a heavy expense, we would also be able to save more cats when there are support rendered. And it definitely makes her happier! If you want to chip in lesser amount is great too, as we said before, no amount is to small to save a cat (=

You can choose to contribute or donate some cat food items on a monthly basis that will be very much appreciated! There is no minimum quantity or amount (=

a wound from the chest 

1 comment:

  1. Hi I am so shocked to see her photos. Has the visit to the vet been done? How old is the cat and what is the result of the blood test?

    Some human had a bad hair day judging by what they did to this cat girl. Yet she is so gentle and doesn't struggle when rescued? A cat with such personality needs a good home.

    Kudos for her rescue!
