Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sterilisation for Your Precious Pets


Here are some important things you must take note of, when you bring your pets to sterilisation.

Do not feed your pet from the evening onwards until the operation ended.

This is vey important as if you do not abide this, there may be fatal consequences. There are some pets which died after the surgery due to the owner's feeding before the big op.
The operation will be held at a Vet's clinic in the morning, and ends by that evening.

Yup after the operation pls feed him/her like you always do!

The Procedures

Understanding how each spay/neuter procedure is carried out will give you a better idea of what to expect during the recovery period following surgery.


Neutering Males

The procedure is relatively simple for male pets. Removal of the testicles, also referred to as castration, is necessary to prevent reproduction. Under anaesthetic, an incision is made into the scrotum, the testicles are removed and the vessels are sutured. The scrotum is then stitched/glued closed, and the patient will usually receive an antibiotic injection to help prevent infection.

Recovery time is fairly quick with most males acting like their old selves within 48 hours, although the site may remain tender a bit longer. Dissolving sutures and surgical glue are normally used for this procedure, so a follow up visit usually isn't necessary unless there are signs of infection or rupture.


Spaying Females

The procedure for spaying females is considered major surgery just like a human hysterectomy. Under general anesthesia, an incision is made into the female's abdomen and the complete uterus and ovaries are removed. Dissolving sutures are used internally and sometimes externally, but often the outer incision is closed with surgical staples that must be removed approximately ten days after the surgery, necessitating a follow up visit with the vet.

The female will receive an antibiotic injection immediately after surgery and will also receive antibiotic tablets to be given during the remaining recovery period. Females take longer to recover from this procedure, usually about fourteen days, but the surgical site may remain tender some time.

Post Surgical Signs of Infection

Once you take your pet home, it's crucial to follow your veterinarian's care instructions to the letter. Even under the best of circumstances, pets neutering and spaying can lead to post surgical infections, so be sure to inspect the incision twice daily during the healing period to be certain it remains clean and uninfected.
Warning signs to watch for include:
  • Redness, irritation, and/or swelling at the incision
  • An excessively hot feeling around the scar
  • Bleeding or foul discharge at the incision
  • A temperature greater than 102 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Listless behavior more than 24 hours after surgery
  • Pet refuses food and water
  • Pet has difficulty relieving itself
If your pet displays any of these signs, report it to your vet immediately.

If you are interested to bring your pet cats and dogs for spaying/neutering, do contact us. We provide one of the lowest rate around. (=

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